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Performing Arts Education Centre
Performing Arts Education Centre
作者:佚名    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:1935    更新时间:2009-06-29    
Performing Arts Education Centre (PAE)
The Performing Arts Education Centre is a newly planned initiative of the Academy to strategically embed and systematically coordinate different educational outreach activities into the Academy programmes with the aim to nourish young and talented Hong Kong students in preparation for post-secondary and tertiary studies at the Academy. The Centre will also be involved in the development of local and international networks to strategise and raise awareness of performing arts education within community activities and government circles.

2009 World Conference on Drama and Education in Chinese Communities - Call for Proposals  
Performing Arts Education Centre Date: 2009/6/10
  Category: Performing Arts Education Centre
Date: December 19-21, 2009 (Sat - Mon)
Venue: The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, No.1 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Organizers: The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts & Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum
Enquiry: (852) 2511 0661 /


A community is made up of many local groups of unique qualities and cultures (age, sex, nationality, occupation and skills). A Chinese community is no different. Understanding the fact that a multi-cultural community provides limitless ideas and opportunities for drama education, the Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum, in collaboration with The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, is presenting the "World Conference on Drama and Education in Chinese Communities" at the end of 2009. The aim of the Conference is to bring together drama education experiences in Chinese communities, and to prepare for the organization's participation in the International Drama and Theatre Education Association Forum (IDEA) in Brazil in 2010. Setting its focus on "Embracing Diversity in Cultural Communities", the Conference will involve discussions on the role of drama education and its potential development in relation to cultural diversity and Chinese communities.

In addition to keynote speeches, the 2009 World Conference on Drama and Education in Chinese Communities will present workshops, topical discussions, keyhole performances and poster exhibitions to promote professional exchange among practitioners of drama education in various Chinese communities. We cordially invite you and your community to participate in this event. To receive updates on the Conference, please email us your contact details or fill out the form in the link below. For any enquiries, please contact us via email.

Themes of the Conference

1. Borrowing from "Traditional Arts"
China has a long history of performing arts e.g. XiQu, Shuoshu, and Shange. Do Chinese communities also have their own local arts/drama education models? How do we borrow from/apply the traditional arts in drama/theatre education?

2. Localizing experiences from the West
Nowadays, the practice of drama/theatre education in Chinese societies often takes reference from western theatre experiences and theories. The Conference hopes to showcase the various teaching methods employed by drama/theatre education practitioners and discuss the results. It will also explore the reasons behind such choices, method application, problems encountered and solutions found, and strategic thinking for continuous development.

3. Formal curriculum and drama/theatre education
How can drama/theatre education become part of the formal education curriculum?

4. Collaboration between theatre companies/the arts and schools
For the sake of advising quality standard to practitioners and organizations of drama/theatre education, and providing a platform for dialogue exchange between arts practitioners and school teachers.

Information / Forms for Download

Information on Call for Presentations
Proposal Submission Form
Keep In Touch Form

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