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Summer 2009-Experience France
Summer 2009-Experience France
作者:admin    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:2108    更新时间:2009-06-27    

Summer 2009-Experience France

Madonna University Summer Semester –July 15 - August 4 2009

The Abbey of Pontlevoy welcomes Madonna University staff and students for their “Experience France” program this summer from July 15 - August 4 2009

Madonna University is offering their unique three-week opportunity to discover central France and the city of Paris through the arts. The program is a perfect match for those seeking a study abroad experience with courses taught in English. While some course work will take place in the classroom, the majority of experiences step out into the city and local country side, as professors lead students through museums and monuments of interest. Students will have the opportunity to explore and expand their own creative language through the written word, historical and cultural studies and the applied arts.

Program highlights include:

* de vinici museum trip

* historic garden tours

* wine tasting

* festival

* cycling tour

* weekend in Paris

* trip to Normandy


Click here to view the program and course details

For further specific information about the Experience France program,
please contact Mr. Doug Semivan at:
or visit their website at:
For further information about Madonna University, please visit their website at:

You may also contact us at:
The Eur-Am Center
L'Abbaye de Pontlevoy
32500 Telegraph Road, Suite 209
1, Place du Collège
Bingham Farms, MI 48025
4100 Pontlevoy, FRANCE
Phone: (+001) 248.988.9341
Phone: (+33)
Fax: (+001) 248.723.3341
Fax: (+33)
Julie Anne
Development Associate
Douglas Semivan, MFA
Chair, Art Department, Madonna University
Coordinator of Visual Arts Projects, The Eur-Am Center

Phone: (734)432-5710

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