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  [组图]中英音樂家協會Chinese & British Musicians' Society         ★★★ 【字体:
中英音樂家協會Chinese & British Musicians' Society
中英音樂家協會Chinese & British Musicians' Society
作者:佚名    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:2420    更新时间:2011-09-15    

CBMS Constitution  

The Chinese & British Musicians' Society is a unique organization of professional musicians. Our members come from all branches of the world's distinguished musicians, and our Society is chaired by the world renowned cellist, Julian Lloyd Webber 

We were registered and established in 2010.
Our aim is to promote the exchange of ideas and collaboration between musicians on a World-wide basis, and we are dedicated to promoting classical music. 

Our new concept is to help everyone to experience and learn about classical music - the so called " High Art " - and to encourage better communication between professional musicians and the general public. 

hough we have only just begun our Society has already created widespread interest and its’ visibility and influence is gradually xpanding. 

Our work is important and has long-term significance, as Julian Lloyd Webber said: “I believe that music speaks louder than words. Music is the true international language. It has no barriers of language, race or politics. It speaks directly to the human soul. Which is why our new Anglo – Chinese music society will be just as important as ‘trading’ in bringing our two nations closer together.” 


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